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The Eternal Table: A Cultural History of Food in Romeby: Karima Moyer-Nocci Rolandi, Giancarlo
Lanthan MD:
Roman 6 Littlefield 2019, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-1-4422-6974-3
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Fall Volume: 2019 Issue: 26(3) page(s): 21
This ‘Big City Food Biography’ is but one in a series
edited by Ken Albala. It has seven chapters including:
The Roman Terrarium. Quid tum-Then What, Cooking
from Books, Mobility, Al mercato-At the Marketplace,
Er da magna’-f.ats, and Eating and Drinking Out. Though it has only one half-page about Chinese food,
not even very complimentary, it was worth knowing
what another great cuisine’s users think; and we
learned from it, too. While Italian cuisine is great with
a great though not a lond as is the Chinese one. It
has some variety, history, and depth, though less that
China’s does. The last page includes six lines about the first author, an
American who immigrated there some thirty years ago
now living in Umbria. In 2015, she authored: Chewing the
Fat-An Oral History of Italian Foodways from Facscim to
Dolce Vita, and it received critical acclaim world-wide.
His book is co-authored by a native local who lectures
at the University of Rome and is the VP of Slow Food-
Rome. Ln our next trip to Italy, we plan to seek out
more about this capital ltalina city’s Chinese food; even
have a starting point. Wevery locallook, even at other
cuisines, can be a large learning lesson. We enjoyed
sharing it lessons and have been educated by it. |