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Fortune Cookie Cook Book, The

by: Margaret Read

Nashville TN: Cumberland House 1997, $12.95, Hardbound
ISBN: 1-888952-38-5

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 1998 Issue: 5(4) page(s): 16

Every once in a while, whimsy overtakes reason. Such is the case for including this tiny tome. Part of the rationale could be that I read about the book in the Asian FoodBookery Newsletter and could not then locate it so I became even more interested in it. Things not in hand for long periods of time get thoughts overblown.

The Chinese zodiac is included and for the upcoming year it says, "Rabbits enjoy the luckiest sign of all. They are talented, gentle, gracious, and friendly. Popular wherever they go, rabbits make good mediators and diplomats. Although they can be shy and sentimental, rabbits almost always succeed it whatever they do." So all of you born in rabbit years, take note.

There is but one recipe and one legend about the fortune cookie's origin. Both are worth overlooking, but not the more than five hundred fortunes. They are the bulk of the book. As I bring these reviews to a close, I wish you a few of its fortunes:
A small gift is better than a great promise (so do resubscribe);
The happiest people are those too busy to notice (read future issues and you, too, will be happy);
Every calling is greater when greatly pursued (that is why we work hard at producing this magazine);
When you are all wrapped up in yourself you are overdressed (so think of us and other charities for the coming year); and,
A pleasant surprise is in store for you (when you continue to donate, subscribe, and read Flavor and Fortune).
Fortune Cookies I
1/2 cup flour
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup corn oil
2 egg whites
1 Tablespoon orange flower water
1/2 teaspoon finely grated orange rind
16 half-inch by three-inch strips of paper with a typed fortune on each
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. In a bowl, sift flour, cornstarch, and sugar three times.
3. Add oil and egg whites and beat at high speed until very well mixed, then add orange flower water and orange rind and mix thoroughly.
4. Make only two or three cookies at a time by dropping a level tablespoon for each on a well-greased cookie sheet. Space them three inches apart and flatten-spread each with a spoon or spatula until four inches in diameter.
5. Bake ten to twelve minutes until each is light brown. Then remove and put each cookie on a plate, immediately put a fortune in the center, fold it in half then in half again, each time over a thin edged bowl or pan.
6. Put the folded cookies into a muffin tin, open edge down, and bake a second batch. Continue until all batter is used.
7. Cool, then store in an airtight container.
Makes 12 - 16 cookies.

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