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Bitter Melon, Fish, and Preserved Vegetable

Fish and Seafood

Bitter Melon, Fish, and Preserved Vegetable
3 bitter melons
2 Tablespoons arrowroot flour
4 red chili peppers, seeds removed, then minced
1 pound an white fish filets, minced
6 shrimp, shells and veins removed, and minced
6 Tablespoons preserved cabbage or any other preserved green vegetable, minced
1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
2 scallions, minced
2 cups vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 Tablespoons oyster sauce
3 Tablespoons cornstarch mixed with one-half cup of cold water
2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 sprig fresh coriander, for garnish
1. Cut bitter melon on an angle and in half-inch slices, then remove and discard the seeds. Dust the slices with arrowroot and set aside for five to ten minutes.
2. Mix minced chili peppers, fish, and shrimp; then mix in minced vegetable, white pepper, and scallions.
3. Put one heaping tablespoon of fish mixture on a slice of bitter melon, cover it with another slice and gently press them together.
4. Heat oil in a large pot or wok, and deep fry these sandwiches for two minutes. Then drain and set aside, and leave two tablespoons of the oil in the wok and reserve the rest for another purpose, filtering it before setting it aside.
5. Reheat two tablespoons of oil, add the garlic and stir-fry it for half a minute. Put bitter melon sandwiches into the wok in a single layer, add oyster sauce and half cup of cold water and cover and simmer for three or four minutes, then remove the sandwiches to a preheated platter.
6. Add cornstarch and water mixture and sesame oil and stir until the sauce thickens. Pour it over the sandwiches, garnish with the sprig of coriander, and serve.
Note: This recipe can also be made stuffing eggplant, green peppers, and many other vegetables.)

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