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Tibetan Khampa Pie


Tibetan Khampa Pie
6 cups unbleached flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 pound flank or another cut of beef, cut into cubes
4 potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
2 tomatoes, cut into cubes
3 scallions. Cut into half-inch pieces
6 Chinese dried black mushrooms, soaked, then cut into quarters, their stems discarded
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1. Mix flour, baking powder, quarter teaspoon of salt, and half cup or more cold water, just enough to make a dough. Lightly knead, then set it aside for half an hour or so to rest.
2. Roll dough into large circle half-inch thick.
3. Put large pot on medium heat, then pour in the oil swirling it to coat the bottom and the sides.
4. Put dough into the bottom of the pot and put it up the sides. Then add the meat and vegetables, the soy sauce, half teaspoon of salt, and a cup of water. Cover the pot and cook over low heat for half an hour.
5. Carefully remove the entire contents and put it on a platter, the same way it was cooked, with dough down, meat and vegetables on top. Then serve.

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