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Shanghai Pork and Crabmeat Dumplings

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Shanghai Pork and Crabmeat Dumplings
1/2 pound minced or ground pork
1/4 pound fresh crab meat, minced
1/4 pound pork fat, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
2 Tablespoons thin soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 scallions, minced
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 Tablespoons thin sliced young ginger, shredded
1 Tablespoon Chinese black rice vinegar
2 lettuce leaves
1. Mix pork, crab meat, pork fat, salt, oyster and soy sauces, and sesame oil. Add the scallion pieces and knead this mixture for three minutes, then let it rest for an hour.
2. Make the dough by putting flour in a bowl or on a board, make a well, and knead in one cup of cold water. Let dough rest half an hour, knead again, and let rest another half an hour before dividing dough into two parts. Roll each separately into a long one-inch cigar-shaped piece, and cut into ten separate pieces. Pat each piece down, then roll each into a three-inch circle. Stack them to prevent their drying.
3. Put just shy of two teaspoons of filling on a piece of dough, wet the edges, fold in half and pleat the outside edge pinching this edge together. Repeat until all are filled; then put the dough packets onto a bamboo steamer basket, and steam them covered with a bamboo basket cover over boiling water, for six minutes.
4. Line a pre-heated plate with the lettuce leaves and put the dumplings of these leaves.
5. Serve with a small dish of the shredded ginger and another with the rice vinegar, for dipping.

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