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Fujianese Rice

Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods

Fujianese Rice
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
6 cups glutinous rice, soaked in cold water overnight
1 cup raw or roasted peanuts, boiled for half an hour, paper peels removed and discarded
10 dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked in one cup of warm water for half an hour, then stems removed and discarded
2 Tablespoons dry shrimp, soaked in warm water for one hour, then minced
4 scallions, minced
1 pound pork, slivered
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 bunch fresh coriander, minced
3 slices ginger, fresh or pickled, and minced
1. Heat a wok or large Dutch oven, then add oil, then the rice, and stir-fry it for three minutes, then add the peanuts, and stir fry another two minutes until the rice is lightly golden. Remove and do not wash the wok.
2. Prepare a steamer with lots of boiling water, its basket lined with a double piece of pre-moistened cheesecloth on it. Spread the rice evenly on it, and steam for one hour. Transfer the rice to a serving bowl.
3. In the meantime, coarsely mince the mushroom caps, then stir-fry them in the wok for one minute, add the soaked dried shrimp, and the scallion slivers and stir-fry another minute, then add the slivers of pork and stir-fry two minutes more before adding the soy sauce.
4. Put half of this mixture over the cooked rice and peanut mixture and stir lightly. Mix the other half with the minced coriander and the ginger, and put on top of the rice mixture. Then serve.

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