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Fruit Soup, Hubei-style

Soups and Congees

Fruit Soup, Hubei-style
1/2 pound dried regular or white figs, stems discarded
1/2 pound dried lotus seeds, pits removed and discarded
1/2 pound dried longan pulp
24 Chinese red dates, pits removed and discarded
1/4 pound white rock sugar
2 Tablespoons goji berries
1. Soak figs and lotus seeds separately in two cups of water each, for twenty-four hours. Discard the lotus seed water but keep the water from the figs.
2. Boil the lotus seeds in four cups of water for half an hour then simmer them for two hours, or until they are soft, even falling apart. The water will almost boil away.
3. Put the remaining lotus seeds and water, and the figs and their water into a heat-proof bowl. Add the longan pulp and the red dates, and steam, covered over boiling water for twenty minutes. Then add two cups of boiling water and the goji berries and steam everything another five minutes. Serve hot, warm, or cold.

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