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Sauteed Scallop and Egg White II

Fish and Seafood

Sauteed Scallop and Egg White II
10 medium eggs
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
2 cups dry rice
1/2 conpoy (dried scallops)
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
5 scallops, cut in half making ten scallop circles
1/2 cup concentrated chicken stock
1/2 pound pea shoots
1. Poke a small hole in the end of one egg,, and drain the egg white into a bowl. The using a long needle, break the yolk in the shell, and drain it into another bowl. Then rinse the hollow egg shell, and repeat until all the egg shells are empty.
2. Add chicken broth, salt, and cornstarch to the egg whites, and fill each egg standing it in the uncooked rice aperture up, in a steamer basket lined with a cloth.
3. Steam the stuffed eggs over low heat for one hour, then remove them to a bowl of water, and carefully remove and discard their shells.
4. Steam the conpoy for half an hour, remove and cool slightly, then tear it into fine strips and set aside.
5. Heat wok, add the oil, and stir-fry the scallop circles for one minute, then remove and put on a warm plate.
6. Reheat the wok, add concentrated chicken stock, and stir-fry/steam the pea shoots just until they wilt, then put them on a pre-warmed serving plate; put the peeled eggs on them, add the hot scallop slices, and top all of this with the shredded conpoy. Then serve.

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