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Tofu-wrapped Fish Dumplings

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Tofu-wrapped Fish Dumplings
1/2 pound flounder and another white fish, coarsely chopped together
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon Chinese white rice wine
1/8 teaspoon ground white pepper
8 pieces tofu skin, each three-inches square
1 egg yolk
1 cup vegetable oil
dash ground Sichuan pepper mixed with teaspoon salt
1. Gently mix fish, salt, sugar, and ground white pepper.
2. Brush egg yolk on the edges of the tofu pieces, and put one heaping tablespoon of the fish mixture on each one. Roll as you would an egg roll, folding in the sides. Put each tofu roll on a plate seam-side down.
3. Heat vegetable oil, and fry half the fish dumplings on one side until golden, turn over and fry the other side. Then remove to a paper towel, and cover lightly with another paper towel. Repeat until all are fried, then serve.

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