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Spiced Lily Bud Duck


Spiced Lily Bud Duck
1/4 cup sliced garlic soaked with two tablespoons warm water for half hour
1/4 cup fresh ginger soaked with two tablespoons warm water for twenty minutes
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup dark soy sauce
3 Tablespoons dry sherry
1/2 cup lily buds, soaked in half cup warm water for thirty minutes, then drained
1/2 cup cloud ear mushrooms soaked in one and a half cups warm water for thirty minutes, then drained
1/2 cup fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced thin
1 cup corn oil
1 duck, quartered
2 Tablespoons chili paste with garlic
1. Put garlic and ginger in a blender and mix for one minute. Then put the mixture in a strainer and reserve the juice.
2. Mix sugar, salt, soy sauce, and sherry with reserved juice and rub the duck inside and out. Set aside for half an hour. Save any extra liquid.
3. Heat oil in a wok and fry the duck pieces until well-browned. Drain well, set oil aside, and clean the wok.
4. Add five tablespoons of the reserved oil to the wok and stir-fry the lily buds and both mushrooms for two minutes.
5. Add remaining duck marinade, the chili paste, the extra liquid, and the duck and simmer until tender, stirring every two or three minutes.

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