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Spareribs with Chestnuts


Spareribs with Chestnuts
4 ounces whole dried chestnuts, soaked overnight in boiling water; then drained
2 pounds pork ribs cut into two-inch pieces then separated into individual riblets
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
2 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and minced
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1. Simmer chestnuts for thirty minutes in two cups of water. Drain and retain and chill the water.
2. Mix cut spareribs, garlic, and sugar, and mix with the meat. Let stay covered well and in the refrigerator for one hour, then take out and let sit at room temperature for half an hour.
3. Heat wok or deep fry pan and add the oil, then the spareribs and fry them until they are well-browned.
4. Bring one cup of the cold chestnut water to the boil and mix two tablespoons of the cold chestnut water with the cornstarch and set this aside.
5. Add the chestnuts to the boiling chestnut water, add the spareribs and reduce heat, simmering this for one hour.
6. Stir the cornstarch mixture, and add it to the sparerib mixture, and stir until it thickens, then put into a bowl and serve.

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