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Lotus-leaf-wrapped Fish

Fish and Seafood

Lotus-leaf-wrapped Fish
1 dried scallop (also called conpoy)
1 dried lotus leaf
1 pound fillet of fresh fish (flounder works well)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
3 Tablespoons peeled and minced fresh garlic
1 scallion, slivered
2 Tablespoons sesame oil
1. In a small glass bowl, cover the scallop with two inches of water. Put this in the microwave on high for three minutes. Remove, cool, then shred and set aside.
2 Line steamer basket with a lotus leaf, and put the fillet of fish on it.
3. Mix salt, the one tablespoon of vegetable oil, the cornstarch, the garlic, and the shredded scallop. Pour this over the fish fillet, turning it twice so all the fish is coated with this mixture, then cover the fish with the lotus leaf.
4. Steam over rapidly boiling water for five minutes, uncover and transfer the lotus leaf and fish to a bowl. Scatter the scallion pieces over it.
5. Heat sesame oil, and pour it over the fish, then serve.

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