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Walnut Duck


Walnut Duck
1 whole duck, cut in half through the breast bone or four duck breasts, all skin still attached
2 scallions, each one tied in a knot
1/2 cup finely mince chicken
1 cup minced walnuts
1/2 cup peeled minced water chestnuts
3 egg whites
3 Tablespoons chopped rape or spinach
2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon minced onion
1 teaspoon peeled and minced fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups peanut oil
2 cups cooked greens
1. Rinse the duck, dry them, and with the scallions, boil in water to cover for five minutes, then drain and when cool, make a pocket under the skin of each breast.
2. Steam the ducks over rapidly boiling water for thirty minutes, remove and cool, then remove all breast bones, but do leave the wings and their bones in tact.
3. Mix chicken, walnuts, water chestnuts, egg whites, spinach, rice wine, cornstarch, onion, ginger, and the salt into a thick paste, and place equal parts under each duck breast skin.
4. Heat oil, and deep fry the stuffed duck breasts until crisp, remove and drain each of them on a paper towel, then chop each duck breast into quarters, and put on a platter.
5. Spread whole coooked greens around them, and serve.

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