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Quick and Easy Pickled Cabbage I

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Quick and Easy Pickled Cabbage I
1 head of cabbage (about 3 pounds)
8 ounces catsup
2 ounces salt
4 ounces sugar
4 ounces crushed chili pepper
1. Cut cabbage into rectangular pieces, about two-inches square.
2. Mix all ingredients in a big bowl; and do wear disposable gloves if mixing by hand.
3. Stuff cabbage into a large pickling jar; packing it tightly.
4. Place jar in a cool place. In thirty minutes, the volume will be reduced by one-third. Then cover the jar with lid and place in the refrigerator. By the end of two hours, the volume will be further reduced to one half; then the pickled cabbage is ready to be served.
Note: Store any unused pickled cabbage in the refrigerator; it keeps well for a week.

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