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Button Mushroom Fans

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Button Mushroom Fans
1 pound button mushrooms cleaned, but not washed, each one with their stems removed
2 cups vegetable oil
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 Tablespoon minced Sichuan cabbage
1 teaspoon sugar and salt, mixed
1 teaspoon Chinese rice wine
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1. Slice each mushroom into fans, but do not cut any slice all the way from one end to the other, leave one-quarter inch uncut.
2. Heat oil and deep-fry the mushrooms, they will fan out, when golden brown. Drain on pare towels and set these aside on a pre-heated platter.
3. In a very small pot, heat soy sauce, the minced Sichuan cabbage, salt and sugar, and the rice wine and sesame oil until hot but not boiling. Pour this over the mushrooms, and serve.

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