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Monkey Head Mushrooms, Crispy and Spicy

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Monkey Head Mushrooms, Crispy and Spicy
6 to 8 dried monkey head mushrooms, soaked for one hour in tepid water
1 Tablespoon ginger juice
3 Tablespoons Chinese yellow rice wine
1 egg white
salt and sugar, to taste
3 Tablespoons lotus root flour
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and sliced
1 Tablespoon fermented black beans, rinsed then chopped
3 small hot pickled chili peppers
a few lettuce leaves put on a platter
1. Gently squeeze water out of the monkey head mushrooms, then slice them thinly.
2. Soak these mushroom slices in the ginger juice, rice wine, and the egg white, and the salt and sugar for half an hour, stirring two or three times during this time.
3. Coat the mushrooms with the lotus root flour, stirring them gently.
4. Heat a wok or a fry pan, add the oil, and fry the mushrooms until they are crisp, then remove them from the oil and drain on paper towels.
5. Into the oil still in the wok, fry the garlic, black beans, and the chili peppers, and when all is really hot, add the mushrooms, and stir gently for one minute, then remove from the oil, put the lettuce leaves on a platter, and the mushroom mixture on top, and serve.

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