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Lemon Chicken


Lemon Chicken
10 ounces chicken breast, skin and veins removed
1 egg white
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon Chinese rice wine
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
6 Tablespoons cornstarch
4 cups soybean oil, for deep frying
3 slices lemon
8 Tablespoons lemon juice
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 Tablespoons cornstarch mixed with one tablespoon cold water
1/2 carrot, peeled (cutting decoratively is optional--see photograph)
1. Slice chicken into thin strips and mix it with the egg white, salt, wine, pepper, and six tablespoons of cornstarch. Set aside for fifteen minutes.
2. Heat wok and add oil until it is about ready to smoke then add the chicken pieces a few at a time and cook them until about half done before removing them with a slotted spoon to a small bowl or plate.
3. Reheat the oil to about 400 degrees F and return the chicken pieces deep-frying them until they are golden brown. Remove them and set oil aside for another use.
4. Put lemon slices, lemon juice and the sugar into the wok and bring to the boil, then mix and add the cornstarch mixture and stir until it thickens before adding the chicken. Stir to mix everything well, then remove to a platter, garnish with the lemon slices and carrot, then serve.

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