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Old Cucumber Moon Scallop Soup

Soups and Congees

Old Cucumber Moon Scallop Soup
1/4 cup red beans
6 to 8 moon scallops with tails left on
1 old (yellowed) cucumber, seeds removed, sliced, not peeled
1/2 pound bones, blanched, the water discarded
1 two-inch piece tangerine peel, soaked for twenty minutes, water discarded, then diced
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1. Soak red beans and moon scallops in water for two hours, rinse, discard the water, and mash the beans.
2. Put cucumber pieces, mashed red beans, moon scallops, and the bones, into three quarts of water. Bring to the boil, lower the heat, skim if needed, then simmer for two hours before discarding the bones.
3. Add tangerine peel pieces and the salt and simmer another half hour, then serve.
Note: One can add a half carrot peeled and sliced, half pound Chinese yam also peeled and sliced, half cup corn kernels, five dried seedless longan cut in half, one-quarter teaspoon ground white pepper, three slices fresh ginger minced, and 20 goji berries when adding the tangerine pieces. Then do not simmer but boil for twenty minutes to make this dish a northern stew-like dish.Old cucumber Moon scallop Soup ients:
1/4 cup red beans
6 to 8 moon scallops with tails left on
1 old (yellowed) cucumber, seeds removed, sliced, not peeled
1/2 pound bones, blanched, the water discarded
1 two-inch piece tangerine peel, soaked for twenty minutes, water discarded, then diced
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1. Soak red beans and moon scallops in water for two hours, rinse, discard the water, and mash the beans.
2. Put cucumber pieces, mashed red beans, moon scallops, and the bones, into three quarts of water. Bring to the boil, lower the heat, skim if needed, then simmer for two hours before discarding the bones.
3. Add tangerine peel pieces and the salt and simmer another half hour, then serve.
Note: One can add a half carrot peeled and sliced, half pound Chinese yam also peeled and sliced, half cup corn kernels, five dried seedless longan cut in half, one-quarter teaspoon ground white pepper, three slices fresh ginger minced, and 20 goji berries when adding the tangerine pieces. Then do not simmer but boil for twenty minutes to make this dish a northern stew-like dish.

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