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New Year Cake II

Holiday and Celebration Foods

New Year Cake II
20 pitted red Chinese dates
1 pound glutinous rice flour
1 cup brown sugar, or less, to taste
2 teaspoons sweet-scented osmanthus
1 teaspoon oil
1. Place dates in a bowl and cover with just enough water as needed. Soften them for about five minutes. Drain, cut each one in four pieces.
2. Mix flour, sugar and water and knead until smooth. Now mix in the dates and osmanthus paste. (Alternately, they can be saved and brushed on top before steaming.)
3. Put into an oil-greased loaf pan (5 x 8ยจรถ inch) and with wet hands, spread evenly.
4. Steam for one hour over boiling water. Then remove from heat and cool.
5. Cut into half-inch slices and brown on both sides in a non-stick pan or dip in a slightly beaten egg and brown in a lightly oiled fry pan. Serve hot. Note:Be advised that this cake keeps well in the refrigerator or in the freezer; refrigerated for several weeks, frozen for several months.
Note: Osmanthus or gui hwa jiang is available in small jars in Asian markets. If you can not obtain any, use light corn syrup instead.
Approximate nutrient analysis,
per single slice, assuming 12 slices per recipe:
Calories 240 Kc
Carbohydrate 57 g
Protein 3 g
Sodium 10 mg
Total Fat 2 g
Saturated fat 1/2 g
Cholesterol none

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