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Mongolian Fire Pot

Holiday and Celebration Foods

Mongolian Fire Pot
3 quarts chicken broth
2 to 3 pounds lamb tenderloin, partially frozen
6 squares frozen bean curd
1 and 1/2 pounds Chinese celery cabbage
4 ounces cellophane noodles
4 Tablespoons sesame paste
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 Tablespoons chili sauce
1/2 cup rice wine or dry sherry
8 squares fermented bean curd
4 Tablespoons leek flower paste (jo hua jiang) or chopped fresh garlic
2 tablespoons sugar
1 ounce minced Chinese parsley (cilantro)
4 scallions
1. Slice the lamb paper thin then cut into two-inch squares and set out attractively on one or two platters.
2. Wash and cut vegetables into bite-sized pieces and put on plates.
3. Cut each defrosted bean curd square into eight pieces and place them in a bowl.
4. Soak the noodles in hot water until soft, drain and put into bowls.
5. Put chopped scallions and parsley in separate bowls; do likewise with the fermented bean curd.
6. Arrange platters around the fire pot filled with boiling soup. Cook and eat as are all fire pots.

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