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Atya Atya are Indonesian Pickles, once again


Atya Atya are Indonesian Pickles, once again
2 large cucumbers or a head of cauliflower 2 to 3 cloves garlic
2 scallions, chopped fine
1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, minced
2 teaspoons turmeric
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup vinegar
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1. Peel cucumber, removes its seeds, and cut into half inch slices. If cauliflower is used, cut it into bite-sized pieces and blanch for one minute.
2. Combine garlic, scallions, fresh ginger, turmeric, salt and one-third cup water. Bring this to the boil, reduce heat, and simmer for twenty minutes. While hot, add the vinegar and sugar, and mix well.
3. Pour this hot mixture over the vegetables, then refrigerate overnight.

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