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Popia Egg Wrappers

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Popia Egg Wrappers
4 large eggs
4 Tablespoons corn oil
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1. Beat the eggs thoroughly and mix with the other ingredients, adding enough one or two tablespoons of cold water, if needed, to make a thin batter.
2. Strain this through a fine colander, preferably into a pitcher or bowl with a pouring spout.
3. Brush oil on a heavy skillet or wok; or use a non-stick pan, and pour in sufficient batter to make a thin round wrapper about seven to eight inches in diameter.
4. Cook this pancake over medium heat until firm and lightly colored on the underneath side, then turn it over and cook it briefly the other side. Repeat until twelve pancakes are made. Stack and cover each one, on top of those already made, with a clean cloth. If there is any additional batter, reserve it for another use. Cover and refrigerate; it will stay one or two days.

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