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Honeyed Apples II

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Honeyed Apples II
1 egg, beaten well
1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 to 4 Tablespoons white or black sesame seeds
2 cups vegetable oil, setting aside two tablespoons, separated
2 to 3 ripe apples
1. Mix beaten egg with flour and half cup of cold water until smooth.
2. Bring one tablespoon of the reserved oil and one tablespoon cold water to the boil, and simmer until served, then set into a pre-heated bowl, and put the sesame seeds into another bowl. Use the other reserved tablespoon of oil to brush on a serving platter.
3. Heat oil, then core and slice each apple into eight pieces, dip half of them into the batter, and deep fry until they are golden. And, as soon as they are taken out of the oil, dip them into ice water and remove them to the greased serving platter. Or bring them to the table in the ice water.
4. Set sugar syrup on the table for those who want to dip their ice-water-hardened apple pieces into the syrup then into the sesame seeds before eating.

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