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Oyster Sauce made Two Ways

Fish and Seafood

Oyster Sauce made Two Ways
Method 1: Grind a pint of raw oysters and bring them, the liquid drained from them, and one-quarter to one half cup of water to the boil. Boil for five minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour. Strain and discard the oysters at this point, add three tablespoons soy sauce to the remaining oyster liquid, stir, and use.
Note: This can be refrigerated for up to one week, the discarded oysters used in an omelet or another dish. Method 2: Mix one or more pints of raw oysters and the liquid drained from them with one-half cup of chicken stock and two tablespoons of Shaoxing wine or dry sherry. Bring this mixture to the boil then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. Then add three tablespoons of soy sauce, one teaspoon of sugar, and a teaspoon of corn oil. Stir well and simmer for another ten minutes. Cool. Then strain and discard the oysters.
Note: This can be refrigerated for up to one week, the discarded oysters used in an omelet or another dish.

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