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Sausages, Korean-Chinese Style


Sausages, Korean-Chinese Style
3 to 4 feet of beef intestine or sausage casing
2 Tablespoons coarse salt
1 cup cooked cold long grain rice
1 cup cooked cold glutinous rice
2 Tablespoons barley flour or tsampa
3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1/4 cup cooked black beans, mashed
1/2 teaspoon mixed ground white and black pepper
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
3 scallions, white part only, minced fine
1 cup beef blood
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1 teaspoon mixed black and white sesame seeds
1. Turn intestine inside out, and clean it removing anything attached to its sides. Dissolve the salt in three tablespoons of boiling water, add one quart of cold water, and mix well. Soak the intestines for two hours, and in the refrigerator. Then remove them from the water and turn them right-side out.
2. In a large bowl, mix both kinds of rice, the barley flour, and the mashed black beans. Add both white and black pepper, sesame oil, and the scallion pieces; and tie a knot at one end of the intestine or sausage casing.
3. Mix blood and the tomato paste and add this to the rice mixture before stuffing the intestine by machine or pushing it into the casing through a wide funnel. Do not pack too tightly or it will split when cooking.
4. Tie a knot or sew the other end of the casing closed, then put it into a large pan filled with cool water. Bring it to just below the boil, quickly reduce the heat to low and simmer the sausage for two hours.
5. Remove sausage and slice into one and a half-inch thick pieces. Put them rice-side down on a platter, sprinkle with the sesame seeds, and serve with a fresh or prepared chili sauce in a small dish on the side.

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