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Five Grains

Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods

Five Grains
1 cup glutinous rice, soaked four hours or more
1/2 cup sorghum, soaked four hours or more
1/2 cup dry black beans, soaked overnight
1 cup long-grain rice, soaked four hours or more
1/2 cup millet, soaked two hours or more
2 Tablespoons coarse salt
2 Tablespoons sesame oil
1. Drain each grain, and set them aside separately.
2. Put rice, sorghum and black beans into a large heavy crock, cover with two inches of water, bring to the boil, reduce heat, cover the crock and simmer for one hour.
3. Add the millet and simmer uncovered for thirty minutes, then mix in the salt and sesame oil, and simmer until every grain and bean feels soft. Only stir this mixture once or twice during the entire cooking time. Then serve.

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