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Jadeite Balls

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Jadeite Balls
1/2 pound fresh or frozen peas
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup glutinous rice flour
1 teaspoon osmanthus flower, mashed or minced
1/2 cup Chinese red dates, pits removed and discarded, and mashed, and divided into twenty batches
1 cup lard
1. In a steamer, steam the peas in a covered bowl over rapidly boiling water for half an hour. Remove and then mash them well.
2. Add the sugar, rice flour, and the osmanthus flower, and one to two tablespoons of boiling water. Remove from the bowl and knead, then roll this into a cigar-shaped piece. Next, cut it into twenty pieces and roll each into a small circle.
3. Put one mashed date piece into the center of each circle, and form this into a ball.
4. Heat lard, and fry the balls until crisp. Remove from the lard, and drain them on paper towels. Serve them n a pre-heated plate.

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