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Sweet Almond Tea


Sweet Almond Tea
2 Tablespoons lotus seeds
3 Tablespoons peeled regular almonds
1 Tablespoon peeled bitter almonds
2 Tablespoons rice
1 Tablespoon white cloud ear fungi, soaked until soft
5 Tablespoons crushed white rock sugar
1. Soak the lotus seeds for three hours, then break each one in half and remove its kernels.
2. Soak both sets of almonds and the rice for one hour, then drain and put them and two cups water into a blender with the rice, and run on high for two minutes. Then strain through a very fine stainer or a cloth bag.
3. Put almond mixture, the lotus seeds, sugar, and four cups of water into a medium-size pot and stir letting it boil for three minutes. Add the white cloud ear fungi and simmer for two minutes, then serve warm or cold.

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