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Stuffed Lichees and Loquats

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Stuffed Lichees and Loquats
1/2 cup red bean paste
2 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 twenty-ounce can loquats, drained well
1 twenty-ounce can lichees, drained well
3 Tablespoons pine nuts
1. Mix bean paste, sugar, and cornstarch; and if very thick, add in one tablespoon water.
2. Stuff each of the fruits with a scant teaspoon of the bean paste mixture, then top each one with a pine nut slightly pushing it into the bean paste mixture.
3. Put the fruits on a flat plate and steam them over rapidly simmering water for ten minutes. Then carefully move them to a platter and serve.

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