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Deer Tendon Casserole

Unusual Ingredients

Deer Tendon Casserole
1/2 half pound deer tendon
1 dried shrimp, soaked for half an hour, then minced
1 dried scallop, soaked for half an hour, then simmered in half cup water one hour, then shredded
3 Chinese black mushrooms, soaked twenty minutes, stems discarded, and quartered
1/2 cup chicken, ham, or pork, slivered
1 cup chicken stock
1 small green pepper, spicy or not, diced
1 Tablespoon Chinese rice wine
2 Tablespoons cornstarch mixed with one tablespoon cold water
1 teaspoon chicken fat or lard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Cut deer tendon into one inch by two inch pieces, then blanch it for one minute in boiling water, then drain and let it cool.
2. Repeat this twice, and after it cools that third time, add the meat, chicken stock, prepared shrimp and scallop shreds, black mushroom and pepper pieces and simmer until tendons are tender.
3. Add the cornstarch mixture, rice wine, lard, and salt and bring to the boil. When thickened, serve on a re-heated platter or bowl.

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