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Fish On Greens

Fish and Seafood

Fish On Greens
1 pound boneless fish filets, carp preferred
1 cup Chinese black mushrooms or any other single or a mix of dried mushrooms, soaked in warm water for half an hour
1 pound hearts of rape
1 cup chicken or vegetable stock
3 Tablespoons Shaoxing wine
salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tablespoon leek- or chili-flavored oil
1 egg and 1 egg yolk, beaten together
1. Cut fish filets and mushrooms into one-inch strips and put them into a bowl alternating their pieces; and put rape hearts on top of these slices.
2. Mix stock, salt and pepper, oil, and the beaten eggs and pour over the vegetable, mushroom, and fish mixture being careful not to dislodge the pattern.
3. Cover the bowl with a plate and put into a steamer over rapidly boiling water and steam this for forty minutes.
4. Remove from the steamer and remove the plate. Carefully using a spatula, go around the edge of the bowl, then put a serving plate on the bowl and invert. Then serve.

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