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Silk Squash Pancake Cubes

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Silk Squash Pancake Cubes
1 large silk squash, about half to three-quarters of a pound, peeled and shredded
3 Tablespoons sweet potato starch
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil, separated
2 Tablespoons crushed Chinese brown sugar
1/4 cup stir-fried scallions
1. Mix shredded silk squash with potato starch, corn starch, and the beaten eggs, then add one-quarter cup cold water, and stir well. Let this rest for twenty minutes.
2. Heat wok, add half the vegetable oil, then put in half the silk squash mixture, and flatten to about half-inch, and fry until golden, turning if necessary, then drain on paper towels while frying the other half in the rest of the oil.
3. Cut fried pancakes into one-to-two-inch cubes and serve with dipping sauce on the side.

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