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Mushroom Soy SauceSauces, Seasonings, and Spices
Mushroom Soy Sauce |
20 to 24 large black mushrooms, soaked in three cups warm water overnight
3 Tablespoons coarse salt
1 cup thin soy sauce, optional
2 small bottles, sterilized
1. Drain mushrooms reserving the water; strain if sandy and discard the sand. Then, cut away and discard the mushroom stems.
2. Mix mushrooms and salt and let stand for one to two days. Then mash well with the back of a heavy spoon, liquefying as much as possible. Strain and discard solids or reserve them to add to a soup or an omelet.
3. Bring remaining liquid, reserved mushroom water, and the optional soy sauce to the boil, strain if any solids remain, then pour into two sterilized bottles. Refrigerate and use as needed as you would soy sauce.