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Fried Bean Jelly

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Fried Bean Jelly
4 tablespoons cloud ear fungi
1 pound firm bean curd, cut into one-inch squares and press dry with paper towels
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 shallots, peeled and minced
1/2 cup vegetable stock
1 Tablespoon thick soy
2 Tablespoons vegetarian oyster sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
2 Tablespoons Chinese black vinegar
1/2 carrot, peeled and sliced
1 Tablespoon cornstarch mixed with one tablespoon cold water
5 Napa cabbage leaves, blanched
1. Soaked fungi in two cups water for twenty minutes, then discard the water and rinse them in warm water and drain them. Next, cut them into one-inch pieces, and set aside.
2. Heat wok, add the oil, and deep-fry the tofu until golden, stirring slowly and carefully so as not to destroy their shape. When golden, drain on paper towels, and set aside. Remove oil and discard all but one tablespoon of the oil, or reserve it for another use after filtering it.Br> 3. Reheat the tablespoon of oil and fry the shallots until starting to crisp, then add vegetable stock, thick soy, vegetarian oyster soy sauce, sugar, salt, and the black vinegar. Bring to the boil, then add tofu and the carrots and simmer for four minutes.
4. Line serving bowl with the cabbage leaves. 5. Add cornstarch mixture to the wok, bring to the boil, and when thick, pour this mixture into that bowl and serve.

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