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Pan-fried Salmon in a Fragrant Sauce

Fish and Seafood

Pan-fried Salmon in a Fragrant Sauce
2 scallions
3 to 4 Tablespoons cooking oil
1 large salmon filet, about half- to one-inch thick
2 Tablespoons thin soy sauce
1. Slice the scallions on the bias into two-inch lengths.
2. Heat the oil in a flat-bottomed pan until it begins to smoke. Add the salmon and pan-fry on one side for about ten seconds or longer if a thick filet, then turn it over and add the scallions.
3. After another ten seconds, cover the pan tightly and turn off the heat. Allow the pan to sit on te burner for one additional minute, then remove from the wok.
4. Sprinkle with soy sauce, and serve.

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