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Winter Melon Pumpkin Chips

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Winter Melon Pumpkin Chips
1/2 pound fresh winter melon, peeled and sliced into one-eight inch thin slices, each about an inch square
1/2 pound fresh pumpkin, peeled and sliced into one-eighth-inch thin slices, each about an inch square
1/2 cup flour
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon white and black sesame seeds
2 cups vegetable oil
1. Toss winter melon and pumpkin pieces in the flour, sugar, and salt. Let them rest for ten minutes, then toss them again. Discard any extra flour mixture.
2. Heat oil in a deep pot or wok, and put about one half of the vegetable pieces in to deep fry. When tan and crisp, remove and drain them on paper towels. Repeating with the remaining slices.
3. Immediately or when almost ready to serve, put the vegetable chips on a rack on a baking sheet and into a 500 degree oven for five minutes, then into a serving bowl.

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