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Fujian Spinach SoupSoups and Congees
Fujian Spinach Soup |
2 scallions, minced
3 Tablespoons crab meat, cartilage remove, then minced
6 Tablespoons minced beef or pork, or both
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 pound spinach, washed then cut into thin strips
1 teaspoon vegetabel oil
2 egg yolks
1 slice fresh ginger, minced
dash white ground pepper
1 Tablespoon Fujianese wine
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1. Mix scallions wth the crab meat.
2. Mix meat with the cornstarch and make small balls, then wrap some crab meat around each ball hiding the meat in its inside.
3. Toss the spinach, oil, egg yolks, and ginger. Heat a wok or fry pan and stir-fry the spinach mixture for one minute, and remove it to a bowl or plate.
4. Bring six cups of water to the boil, reduce the heat and add the crab-meatballs, and simmer for five minutes before returning the spinach to the pot.
5. Add the ground pepper, wine, and sesame oil, simmer another minute, then serve in individual bowls or put in a pre-heated soup tureen and serve.