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Tea-smoked Chicken


Tea-smoked Chicken
2 Tablespoons Sichuan peppercorns
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1 three-pound whole chicken
1/4 cup Lapsoong tea leaves
2 Tablespoons dark brown sugar
2 Tablespoons sesame oil
1.In dry wok or fry pan, stir-fry the Sichuan peppercorns for five minutes, stirring constantly. Then cool them and grind in a spice grinder or mortar and pestle before mixing this powder with the coarse salt.
2. Dry the chicken inside and out, then rub it inside and out with the salt mixture. Next, put the chicken breast side up on a rack in a steamer and steam covered over boiling water for twenty minutes.
3. Line a dry wok with aluminum foil, then mix the tea leaves and sugar and put this mixture on the foil. Put a rack two inches above the tea leaf mixture, and the steamed chicken breast side up on the rack. Cover the wok and turn the heat to medium-high. Count four minutes from the time smoke curls out around the wok cover. Now turn the chicken over, and let it steam covered for five more minutes before turning off the heat source but not moving the wok.
4. Let the chicken rest covered for fifteen minutes, then remove it to a cutting board, brush with the sesame oil, and chop the chicken into two to three inch pieces. Serve.

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