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Pork Belly with Taro and Red Bean Curd


Pork Belly with Taro and Red Bean Curd
1 pound marbled pork belly
3 Tablespoons mustard cabbage
1 or 2 medium-size taro
4 pieces fermented red bean curd
some honey and dark soy sauce
4 cups oil for deep frying
1. Rinse pork belly and blanch with hot water. Next half-cook it and then immerse it in cold water for half an hour.
2. Pierce the pork many times with a fork to reduce the oil from spitting during the upcoming deep-frying.
3. Cut the deep-fried meat and the taro into thick slices and coat the pork belly with dark soy sauce and honey.
4. Using a ten-inch deep pot, deep-fry the pork piece by piece in hot oil, using a cover over the top of the pot to control as much spitting as possible. Fry it one minute one each side and then remove the piece and put it in cold water again. Repeat until all pork pieces are deep fried.
5. Next, deep fry the taro slices until golden yellow, about two minutes on each side.
6. Place the meat and taro slices between one another or in layers in a deep dish.
7. Dice the mustard cabbage and mix it with the mashed red fermented bean curd, then put this mixture on top of the pork belly and taro.
8. Steam this dish over boiling water for two to three hours until pork belly and taro become very soft. Then serve.

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