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Stuffed Marrow, Chinese Style

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Stuffed Marrow, Chinese Style
2 Chinese marrow, also known as hairy vegetable
5 Chinese black mushrooms, soaked in hot water for half an hour
5 baby corn, each cut into four pieces across their width
5 Tablespoons green peas
½ carrot, peeled and cut into half-inch dice
2 Tablespoons fermented bean curd, mashed
2 teaspoons sugar
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
3 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and chopped
1. Peel marrow and cut them in half the long way, cut off both ends and remove seeds and some of the flesh leaving half-inch exterior of shape of each marrow half.
2. Cut off and discard mushroom steams and cut each one into medium or half-inch dice.
3. Mix fermented bean curd and the sugar, and set aside.
4.Heat vegetable oil and stir-fry the garlic for one minute, then add the mushrooms, corn, peas, and carrot pieces and stir-fry for two minutes before mixing these vegetables with half the mashed fermented bean curd sauce. Put them into the half marrow boats and on to a heat-proof platter.
5. Steam over boiling water for eight to ten minutes, stir the vegetables with the remaining mashed sauce mixture, then carefully remove the platter on to a cool one, and serve.

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