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Lion's Head, Shanghai Style


Lion's Head, Shanghai Style
1/4 pound soft tofu, mashed
1 pound finely minced or ground pork
1 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon Shaoxing wine
1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
1 teaspoon thin soy sauce
1/2 pound baby bok cai
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 whole water chestnuts, each cut in half
1. Mix mashed tofu with the minced or ground pork, and form it into four large meatballs.
2. Heat a wok or deep fry pan, add the oil, then fry the meatballs until browned on both sides, then remove them to a plate.
3. In the deep fry pan or a heavy pan, put in the meat balls and the water chestnuts. Add the sugar, ginger, and the soy sauce, and mix not touching the meat balls. Simmer over low heat for fifteen to twenty minutes, then remove them to a pre-heated serving bowl and cover with an upside down bowl or some aluminum foil. Add the bok cai to the liquid in the pan, turn up the heat, and boil for three minutes, then remove the cover on the meatballs, and place the greens around them. Reduce the remaining liquid in the pan to about two tablespoons, pour this over the meatballs, and serve.

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