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Cordyceps Fish Soup

Soups and Congees

Cordyceps Fish Soup
1 large fish, about two pounds 1 one-inch knob peeled and crushed fresh ginger
16 cordyceps, rinsed and dried
2 small onions, peeled, each cut in quarters
1 teaspoon salt
1. Clean, rinse, and dry the fish, and scale and gut it.
2. Put it into a five or six quart pot, and all other ingredients, and four quarts of water.
3. Bring to the boil, reduce heat, and simmer for half and hour.
4. Remove the fish and put it into a clean soup tureen. But all else back into the pot and return it to the boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for one hour. Then pour the liquid over the fish, and serve.

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