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Eel with Garlic, Shandong Style

Fish and Seafood

Eel with Garlic, Shandong Style
5 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup whole garlic gloves, peeled and gently smashed
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
2 Tablespoons Shaoxing wine
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chicken stock
1 pound river eel, skinned, and cut into one to two-inch segments
8 to 10 baby Shanghai cabbages
1. Heat a wok or fry pan, add oil, and fry the garlic for one minute, then add eel segments and fry them for two minutes more before removing and then draining the garlic and eel on paper towels. Reserve the oil for another use.
2. Fry sugar one minute in the oil dregs, then add wine, salt, and chicken stock bringing it to the boil. Return garlic and eel to the pan and stir-fry two minutes.
3. Remove garlic and eel to a pre-heated bowl while adding the greens to the pan and stirring them for one minute. Then place them around a pre-heated platter, and put the garlic and eel in its center. Serve.

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