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Dried Cole Soup

Soups and Congees

Dried Cole Soup
1 package dried cole*
2 Tablespoons bitter almond
12 honey dates
2 Tablespoons sweet almond
1 dried orange peel, about 2 by 2 inches
1 recipe prepared Basiv Pork Soup Stock
1. Rinse and soak the dried cole overnight.
2. Drain and reserve the liquid. Cut the cole into four-inch pieces.
3. Add cole and reserved liquid to prepared soup stock with the other ingredients. Simmer for at least two hours.
Note: Depending on the package, the ends of the bok choy may be somewhat tough so discard them as they are used to provide flavor. Please note that 'cole' can be a misnomer--perhaps a poor translation because 'dried cole' is bok choy. The soup can be made with either dried or fresh bok choy.

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