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Yellow Eel and Ginger Congee

Soups and Congees

Yellow Eel and Ginger Congee
1/3 pound yellow eel, boned, gutted, skin removed and discarded, then rinsed
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
1 teaspoon thin soy sauce
dash of ground white pepper
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 cup rice
3 Tablespoons cloud ear mushrooms, soaked until soft, their water drained and discarded
2 dried lily flowers, soaked until soft, their water also discarded
1 slice fresh ginger
2 scallions, slivered, and divided
1. Cut the eel in half-inch pieces. Mix it with the salt, soy sauce, white pepper, and the sesame oil, and set aside.
2. Rinse the rice, then soak it for half an hour before draining it and discarding its water.
3. Sliver the cloud ear fungi, the ginger, half the scallion, and the pre-soaked lily flower, then mix them together.
4. Put rice in a large pot with eight cups of water. Simmer for forty minutes, then add the eel mixture and the lily flower mixture and simmer another ten minutes. Serve sprinkling the remaining scallion on top.

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