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Almond Chicken, Cantonese-style


Almond Chicken, Cantonese-style
Ingredients for the sauce:
1 Tablespoon cornstarch mixed with two tablespoons of water
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup white grape juice
2 teaspoons sugar
Preparation for the Sauce:
1. Combine all the sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set them aside.
Ingredients for the dish:
1 pound chicken breast, cut into half-inch cubes
4 Tablespoons thinly sliced leeks
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
3 Tablespoons soy sauce
4 Tablespoons peanut or olive oil
1 cup water chestnuts, drained and sliced
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 cups snow peas cut into half-inch pieces
½ cup lightly toasted almonds
Preparation for the dish:
1. Place chicken, leeks, garlic, ginger and soy sauce in a bowl and marinate them for thirty minutes.
2. Heat oil in a wok or heavy frying pan then stir-fry chicken with its marinade over medium heat for four minutes before stirring in the water chestnuts, mushrooms and snow peas. Stir fry these three minutes more.
3. Stir in the sauce and stir for three more minutes; then place this on a pre-heated serving platter. Then spread the almonds on top.
Note: Serve hot with cooked rice or cooked noodles.

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