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Crispy Egg Yolk Pastries

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Crispy Egg Yolk Pastries
Ingredients for the pastry:
1 and 1/3 cups glutinous (sweet) rice flour
1/3 cup lard
1/3 cup water
Preparation for the Pastry:
1. Cut the lard into the flour using chop sticks or two knives. Then add water and knead with the tips of your fingers. Cover and let rest for half an hour.
2. Roll the dough into a cylinder and cut it into twelve pieces, then roll each of them into the desired size. Can be used for the recipe below or as crust in a small tart or muffin tin for other purposes.
Ingredients for the Egg Yolk Filling:
1 cup red bean paste
12 salted egg yolks
1 teaspoon rice flour
1 teaspoon rice wine
1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
1 fresh egg, beaten
Putting It All Together:
1. Using the pastry dough above, divide it into twelve segments and roll each into a small circle.
2. Heat the oven to 425 degrees F, and while it is heating, divide red bean paste into twelve parts.
3. Put the egg yolks on a baking dish, dust with the rice flour and sprinkle drops of the rice wine over each of them. Bake for three minutes, then remove from oven.
4. Using one piece of dough, rolled one inch larger than the yolk, put a spoon of red bean paste on it and a baked yolk on top of that. Then wrap the dough around both and seal with a little dab of egg. Put the sealed side down on a baking sheet. Continue until all dough and filling are used.
5. Brush the rest of the egg on the top of the pastries, then sprinkle each of them with a few sesame seeds. Bake for twenty minutes in the same oven as the egg yolks. Cool, then serve.

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