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Chestnut and Yam Soup

Soups and Congees

Chestnut and Yam Soup
12 dried chestnuts
6 fresh chestnuts, peeled
1/4 cup dried Chinese yam
1/2 cup yam flour
1/2 pound lean pork, cut into thin strips, blanched for ten minutes, then drained, the water discarded
1/2 cup fresh yams, peeled and cubed
1/4 cup goji berries
1. Soak the dried chestnuts in warm water for one hour, then drain, peel, and discard any outer and inner shell material.
2. Soak the dried yams and simmer them for fifteen minutes.
3. Put both kinds of chestnuts, both kinds of yams, the yam flour, and the pork into a pot, mix well, then add three quarts of cold water and bring to just below the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for two hours.
4. Add the goji berries, simmer for ten minutes more, then serve.

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