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Beef Tripe Hot Pot

Soups and Congees

Beef Tripe Hot Pot
2 Tablespoons beef fat
1/2 pound beef tripe, washed and cut into thin slivers
1/4 pound beef kidney, cut into thin slivers
1/4 pound beef liver, washed and cut into thin slivers
1/4 pound beef steak, washed and cut into thin slivers
5 Tablespoons spicy broad bean sauce
3 Tablespoons finely minced fresh ginger
1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorns, crushed using the side of a cleaver
2 Tablespoons seeded minced chili peppers
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1/2 cup rice wine
1 Tablespoon Mao Tai or another Chinese liquor
8 cups beef stock
1/4 cup yak butter or another butter
3 cups total of different kinds or radish and green vegetables
1. Heat a wok or a large pan, render the beef fat, and remove it and finely mince the curled pieces, then return them to the wok or pan.
2 Add the tripe, kidney, liver, and steak slivers and stir-fry for only one minute, then remove them to a plate, separating them to allow to cool quickly. And leave any remaining rendered fat in the wok or pan.
3. Add broad bean sauce, ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, and chili peppers and stir-fry for one minute before adding the salt, wine, liquor, stock, and butter. Transfer this to a hot pot and bring to the boil.
4. Put the radish and greens on separate plates around the hot pot, the prepared tripe, kidney, liver, and beef, too.
5. Each diner should have a long-handled fork and a strainer basket, a soup bowl and a soup spoon, and chop sticks. The hot pot should have a ladle available.
6. Cook the meats for a short time in the hot pot on the long handled fork then put into the individual bowls. Then toss some vegetables into the hot stock and remove as desired. Each diner cooks those they want when they want them.

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