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Beans and Garlic

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Beans and Garlic
2 teaspoons lard or lamb fat, rendered
2 cups fresh or dry beans such as soybeans, fava beans, or lima beans; if using dry ones, soak for two hours or overnight in tepid water, then drain and discard the water
6 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and slivered
1 star anise, broken into its segments
1 Tablespoon green sauce (such as the one above)
1 teaspoon coarse salt
½ cup water or meat broth
1. Heat wok or pan, add lard or another fat, then add the beans and the garlic slivers and stir for one minute.
2. Next add the star anise, green sauce, salt, and the liquid, and reduce the heat and simmer covered for ten minutes or longer until the beans are soft. Then serve.

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